L & J Ladies - Home


Contact Numbers:-
Julie Booth
Mobile: 07790 837930
email: juliebooth321@gmail.com

Format: 4 Legs of Singles,501 - 2 Legs of Pairs, 701 - Full 4 Team Leg, 1001. Straight Start, Double Finish, Bust Rule.

All Result Cards MUST be filled in correctly, and reach the Tap & Mallet by the Saturday after the Match. Or All Points Will Be Void.
Pls feel free to text me the result, I dont mind as long at some point I get the result card.
Teams if you have to cancel a match can you please do it 24hrs before the actual day of play. We realise cancelling on the day can happen, but if it's ok with the opposition it's ok with us. You can play and win with three players.